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Rapid Prototyping

Brass boards and perspex mockups helps accelerate project delivery.


A complex control panel was proving to be a challenge, with wire routing providing additional complexity to a challenging timeline. We developed rapid prototypes to de-risk the system mechanically and electrically in parallel.

The customer.

The customer was a tier two supplier for a naval vessel project. We were approached to help accelerate delivery of a complex control panel.

Electrician engineer work tester measuring voltage and current of power electric line in e

The Problem

Compressed timeline, complex control panel

A complex control system, involving a large number of components and sensing equipment, had become under pressure for delivery to the end user.


Our client was finding it challenging to balance the development of the system and the wiring harness concurrently, causing delays to the project.

Our Process

Breaking blockers and dependencies.

We worked with our client and the end user to define the requirements for the initial prototype panel delivery. An opportunity to separate the system development and the harness wiring to enable the two to progress concurrently was discovered.

Image by Michał Bińkiewicz
Image by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden

The Solution

Perspex mockups and brass boards.

A simple brass board was rapidly developed which enabled the system to be functionally developed and tested on the fly, without requiring redesign from the mechanical engineering team.


Concurrently, perspex versions of the enclosures were created with 3D printed busbars and components, enabling wire routing to be rapidly developed without waiting on a functional system.

The Results

The separate development of the system and the wiring harness enabled a drastic reduction in project timelines, resulting in accelerated delivery to the customer.


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Can we help?

Have a power distribution panel, switchboard, or PLC control system which you'd like help with? Contact us below for a free consultation.

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